Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 12: Do I have something in my teeth? " The Check-Up"

Day 12: Do I have something in my teeth? "The check up"

  I am not sure what to call it but when I say the "Check up" I am referring to the break that you take from whatever you are doing to "check up" on yourself. To make sure you don't have something in your teeth, your outfit hasn't gone sideways, you dont have any boogers hanging out of anywhere, your armpits don't smell like hamburger, etc.

When I was in middle school and high school I was an avid- check-uper. I used to have code phrases or hand gestures with my friends that meant "do I have a booger?" or "do I look okay?". Even now in my old age mostly everytime I go out there is a conversation that go something like this.

me: OMG I am so fat in this dress. Ok. if you see anything hanging out- you need to tell me.
friend: I am not just going to say it. we need a code for this....
me: Ok if you say  (insert really bad indiscrete question) that means "suck it in, bitch".

Good for going out, but somehow in my day to day. I forget to check up on myself. I can go all day without going to the bathroom and I can easily leave the house without looking at myself in the mirror. (this was actually more the case before this project).  But even now, despite the fact that I am looking aammmaazziinnngg, I should still be checking in....

For the past couple days I have been planning on updating my passport, which means I need a new passport picture. (Thank God, because my old passport picture is hoorrirrrrblllyyy ugly).
Because my passport is horribly ugly, I am super anal about the picture I am goign to take for my next passport. I went to walgreens yesterday and I made the lady take at least 8 pictures of me, and i wasn't happy with any of them:

Those 4 corners are me....if you scroll down you will see more of me.

Since I didnt like any of them. I decided I would try harder today to look good and went back. I put on a ton more makeup then I usually do. It was also a double wammy because I was suppose to give a presentation in class, and because i am a bad presenter I thought I could compensate by looking hott. (for the record. This is awful logic and didn't really help my presentation.)
So I went back to walgreens today and I made her take a ton more pictures, and then I asked strangers for there opinion. They picked this one:
They better have made a good choice because passports take forever to expire and I dont want to be stuck with an ugly one for the rest of my life!!!!!
My current one has scarred me. It might be one of the reasons I dont travel that much because I am embarrassed to take it out. 

So i was looking nice. Makeup looking good. Feeling good about myself.  And I go to the bathroom, and look at myself and think hey not bad, I look good:

But wait....what is this?!?!?!!

FML. My oily ass face is causing my makeup to run and get all over the place.
How long have I been walking around like this? and who let me?!?!! ugh. I hate people.

Questions and comments:

 Because we are all amongst friends now. Here is my current passport picture.

I know.....I look like a boy. 

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