Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 10 and 11: The multifunctional gym

Hello, Are you my new to my blog. I noticed that you have been going through all of them. I just thought I would pop into the next one you will read and say hi! Thanks for reading!! :)

Day 10 and 11:

 I have what I call....a naturally fat body. My body just wants to be fat: I crave food I shouldn't eat. I am constantly hungry. I am only satisfied when it hurts. I have a bum knee that bitches every time I even walk up the stairs. I run at the pace the treadmill says is brisk walking.....Like I said, My body wants to be fat.  And I am constantly fighting with my body to keep it from getting there. That is One of the reasons I go to the gym.

Reason #2:  In recent years I have become really restless, to the point of wanting to be violent. (this is arguably a symptom of sexual frustration.....i agree with the argument.)
 In response, I tried every class known to a gym and  found Combat Cardio, where I can hit the shit out of nothing......but pretend that I am hitting the shit out of everything.

Reason #3: Going to the gym 4-5 times a week, means that I see the same people 4-5 times a week.  And always make friends at the gym.

 I usually like having friends that are paid to be my friend because then I don't feel bad about asking them for things. Like taking my picture:

Reason #4: It gives me a reason to be slutty. Yes, you can be slutty at the gym.  Gym clothes are tight, revealing, and if you work out right then you are sweaty doing it...which is the icing on any slutty outfit.  

Reason #5: Endorphines. I have taken vitamins, supplements, eaten a lot of kale, etc. but nothing gets me as energized and happy as going to the gym...... except coffee.  When I feel fit, thin, and healthy....I am a better person. When I feel ugly and fat I am grouchy. Going to the gym is more about feeling good then looking good. Although looking good affects how I feel.
This is me high on coffee after work...So excited to go to the gym:

This is me high off the elliptical:

Reason #6. Sometimes my motivation is also my achilles heel. 

The mat: the place where I do my stretches, crunches, daydreaming.............and look at this:

and this....

and this....


And not only did I leave the gym with a hot body and a good attitude....i left with this:
A Phone number!!!! (Actually, its an email. why an email? because I didnt want his phone number.....actually I didnt want anything from a guy that won't ask for mine but instead gives me his information. Fucking pansies!)

Questions and comments:

   There is absolutely no motivation in going to the gym for men. Why? because for some reason all the men in the gym are married. I dont know what it is, but I think men use the gym as an excuse to get away from their wives. Psh. Not my husband! I am going to be giving my husband such a workout he won't even NEED or WANT to go the gym. ;) #myhusbandisgoingtobeoneluckymotherfucker!


  1. What do you have against guys who don't ask for your number but instead give you their information?

  2. is this it? what about 30 days?
