Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 19: Nothing to do with looking good. (warning: not a funny blog post)

Day 19: Nothing to do with looking good. (warning: not a funny blog post)

 I wish I could say that the bounce back from losing my mojo had me at a 10 today but it didnt. Instead I was a 2. I was in 2 in looks, a 2 in personality, a 2 in job performance (true story, I accidentally almost wired $30K to the wrong destination!) woops.

 So last night after submitting my post- a friend said "you saw NWG? but I thought he was dating that girl." According to fbook it looks like he is dating someone.  I hadn't looked at his fb in a loooonngg time, partly because it was unhelpful and partly because I am a self absorbed facebooker- and spend most of my time looking at myself.  :) But she said that only 2 weeks ago he had taken a picture with this girl, a girl it looked like he had been dating for a while. I had thought they broke up a while ago because he had actually been direct messaging me on twitter with flirtatious comments for a bout a month.....(while he was dating her apparently).

So I  sent him a message last night asking if he was still dating her:  and he never responded. And the crazy started to bubble up.......
You are probably thinking-- big deal, you went to lunch and he texted doesnt mean anything.

 Let me put this in context for you.
 He didnt just text me this weekend and his original plan was not for us to go to lunch. This was his original plan.

and then this.....

And ya- it seems like a booty call and like he is using me, but there is also a lot of this...

How could I not fall in love with him all over again. He was sweet, had great communication skills (even though they were in stupid text messages), he was being affectionate, and aggressive. 

I know we are all thinking....I cannot believe you are posting this online for everyone to see.  He did  used to hate when i showed anything he sent me to someone else and now I am showing all of you.

And this is why......

I woke up after 3 hours of sleep to more anxiety about the answer to this question. And naturally he responds by yelling at me for making him go over on texts. Sidenote: this guy works for google, makes 6 figures, just got promoted at work, and the guy cannot get unlimited text.  I wish there was a roll my eyes icon  And what do I get:

(Ignore the "It's my voice num")


WTF Just happened?! OMG.

He texted me because the girl he was dating hasn't talked to him in a while, his friends got engaged, his brother just got married,  his roommate is in a happy relationship, and he is having a midlife crisis because he is balding,............. awesome. Way to shit on me in the process.

It is times like these that I am grateful that I have a blog, and I have on average 250 loyal readers. Which means that is 250 people that can text his phone number and blow it up so that it gets more  text messages: and charges him. But I have removed the phone number because a day later I am over it, plus I dont know if there is any legal issues involved in putting up someones phone number. Boo, Can't let the government hold me down!.....but I just did.

So how did I do today? 
I was a mess.  On the upside: I was so sad that I didn't eat. Unfortunately, I know that this will be short lived and I will go back to eating tomorrow.  Ugh, why can't just be a comfort starver!

Also, I was a mess until I decided that I would make this into a blog post. Damn, I love this blog. I love this blog! I love this blog!!!!!!

I  did warn everyone already that I have crazy tendencies. And maybe this is taking it a little too far, but, I also need people to see that there is a reason that I went to lunch on Sunday. There is a reason that even after a year I am still talking to him. 
Oh well,  glad that you guys got to share in this moment with me. 

Promise the blogs will go back to fun and funny tomorrow. 
Just wanted to keep you up to speed on what is happening...... <3

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