Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 25: Days when I want to be a 4

Day 25:  Days when I want to be a 4

   Like I said before being a 10 is not about men or the opposite sex, it is about feeling confident and being happy with yourself.  And I said this sometime around Day 1 but as a woman, I don't think there is a lot women can do to get to a place where we won't get hit on. I have heard some of the ugliest people tell me stories about how they get hit on, and I smile and nod but on the inside I think- was the guy blind?!(I know that is really mean....I know.... :/ ) Point is..I have some really ugly days when I get hit on, and it baffles me. Because there are days I try really hard and nothing happens.!!!

 Take 10 minutes ago. I was at Starbucks, doing homework.  There was nothing special about the way I looked.

                      Just kidding. I am a 10- there is always something special about the way I look.

And when I left- some guy follows me out and hits on me. Of course, because I have no interest in him and I am constantly thinking about my blog- I bust out my camera and take a picture of us.

                         This guy might have a had a chance. (no, no he didn't) until I get this....

Ya. That is awesome. NOT!'
Why did I give him my number?!?! because guys have been doing this stupid thing where they call you right on the spot and it would be so awkward to give a fake. So why don't I say  No I am not interested! Because I am dumb and because I thought maybe he was prince charming in disguise..No I didnt think that either. Honestly...Its because saying No takes 100x longer than saying yes and moving on and ignoring him. AND THAT Ladies and Gentleman, is the truth!!!!

So, Sometimes I dont want to be a 10. Sometimes I want to go under the radar. Unnoticed. 
No- that is a bunch of BS. If I could be a 10 everyday, effortlessly, with every man in the world groveling at my feet  and every women being completely jealous that they were not me......that would be awesome. Of course, it would be more awesome if I had a phd in biophysiomolecularchemitical engineering and found a new element and had it named after me. The Juliannametometom..Awesome. OR It would be even cooler if on a trip to Iran- President Ahmidenijad fell in  love with me and our marriage united the United States and Iran and I became a present day Ester. And I was the cause of world peace. (one of my fantasies in life-- true story). 


Melissa: My dad probably has no idea I have a blog is. He probably actually has no idea what a blog is.  My mom reads it and thinks it's funny. ......but I haven't talked to her about it since I started posting  about sex. Hopefully it is just as awkward for her and she will never bring it up. But I totally agree with you about going back home and how we have to look a certain way when we go back to LA. Although, I definitely let myself get ugly for LA and then get a bunch of stuff done and ome back to SF pretty.  But when I am in LA I have a huge fear of running into Chaminade people- looking like crap....or just running into them in general. 

*My Blog hit over 4000 views!! woot woot!!!
**I have 5 days left I really need to step it up to end with a bang.

1 comment:

  1. Hahah. Juli that's totally my plan when I get into la. Get my hair done, wax my bushy eyebrows. And do a bit if shopping.
