Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Days 23 and 24: Living up to my blog

Days 23 and Day 24: Living up to my blog

  I have said this already, but one of my favorite parts of this blog is that it sprouts conversations with   people I haven't talked to in forever. Middle school friends, HS friends, college friends, etc.  But there is one part that I hadn't taken into consideration though and has been making me really nervous........ seeing these people that I haven't talked to in forever.
   This weekend- I wanted to take a break from SF after the traumatic events of this past week here in the city, so I went to southbay. When I was leaving I realized that I needed to NOT LOOK LIKE SHIT! If I looked bad, my blog and project was going to lose all credibility. People were going to notice and say something!!!
 Surprisingly, no one said anything about the way I look. Instead my 23 year old "sends me pictures of his poo"friend decides to criticize the grammar on my blog! UGH! Listen, it takes me a long time to write these and the last thing I want to do is proofread it. Secondly, you are all smart and know that dont means don't and isnt means isn't and you know where the commas are suppose to go! And for the record "YOU'RE" IS A STUPID WORD AND EVEN STUPIDER SPELLING SINCE WE PRONOUNCE IT YOUR! But he finally shut his face, when I told him that my friends from Harvard and Stanford both commenting on my good writing skills. So take that!

 Back to my point. I saw a bunch of people, I haven't seen since starting the blog and realize that I need to look better. One was  a guy that hasn't seen me in years and thanks to my blog might think that I am better looking than I really am. (People should know that facebook is a lie.  On some level too, my blog is a lie. I take 20 pictures before I post one. And my iphone 4 is better than an iphone 5 because the clarity in the new phones is actually harmful to my image. I really do not need my face to be seen in 8 megapixels. I actually prefer pictures of me to be blurry, its a cheap version of photoshop.
Similarly on facebook, I have gone through my tagged pictures multiple times removing ones that are too embarrassing to keep up.) So when I saw him and my friends, I realized that I really needed to step it up for the sake of my blog, and for my own sense of credibility.

 Also, today I had lunch with a college friend that I haven't spoken to......since college.  But I was about to leave the house when I realized that she read my blog and I was literally a 5 at that moment. I was about to leave the house with no makeup and without brushing my hair. I ended up going late to work to give me time to primp (although I still didn't brush my hair :/) and now that I look back I forgot I wore that sweater that gives me no waist and I said I was going to stop wearing! And my fat vest because it was cold :( Leanna didnt seem to notice...... but one day someone else will, so I need to be ready.
Leanna and me at the Ferry Building for lunch.


To Armando: Giving a number or your information to a girl is chheeeattttiinngggg. It is what cowards do. It takes a real man to be able to ask for a number and get the balls to call later.  Giving a number is throwing the ball in the girls court and waiting for her to make the first move. Men need to step it up.  Also, and this is more a personal issue: I dont have a problem asking a guy on a date. I would actually probably like it, because then I get to go out with someone I like. The problem with that is that I am afraid there will be an expectation that I have to pay on this date that I initiated. FUUUUUUCK THAT.

To Mike: My strategy to look good after a night of heavy drinking is to simply let myself look like crap and tell everyone that I look like shit because of my night of heavy drinking.  1. it gives the impression that I am cooler than I really am because I was out partying last night and 2. it gives an excuse for why I look like shit.  And if I am going to church and don't want people to know that I look like shit because I had my head in the toilet the whole night before I will simply....not go to church.  Duh!

And if none of those things are options for you then just hang out with people that are uglier than you.  (......I am a terrible person)

1 comment:

  1. Living away in Philly is fun because nobody knew what I looked like in Los Angeles. But I get anxious every time I fly back home for the holidays because I know I don't look the same! I'm softer around the edges and wearing less make up. So I'm always scared to run into people back home that I hadn't planned on running into. Bah. How's your family feel about the blog??
