Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 30: Only the beginning

Day 30:  Only the beginnings

30 days might be over but it is only the beginning. I wanted to be a better me and honestly, I am better than I was before I started the 30 day challenge. Even with my down days:


 These are not good looks for me.

And then some things that I learned that have had profound impact on my life:

1. Heartache, embarrassment, insecurities, and failure are a part of life. We all experience it and we all survive it. I have been so blessed and encouraged by the stories that everyone has shared with me: Stories of breakups, disappointments, and even crazier antics that are so over the top they put mine to shame.

2. (I knew this before, but it has been solidified by this project) The Crazy women are the hott women! We (yes, I am included) WE are crazy because we know we are hott. Every man, women, child and animal should feel honored to be in our presence. We are used to be hooted and hollared everywhere we go. We have men try to pick us up all the time, so when our signifcant others or interests  do not do the same, it confuses the shit out of us and makes us mad because we think "DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT I AM HOTT AND COULD GET ANY GUY I WANT. YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO BE WITH ME, YOU BETTER THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS THAT I AM REMOTELY ATTRACTED TO YOU." So fellas, if you want a girl that is normal and not crazy then you better be okay with dating someone ugly.

Warning: Hot girls are Crazy Girls.

3. I still do not understand what is so hard for men about responding to a fucking text message, texting us in the middle of the day just to say hi, or responding to a G- damn email. I don't get it. LOOOORRRRD, HAVE MERCY! (Even though I don't understand this, at least I can now acknowledge that this is a male issue around the board.)

4. Adulthood has made me boring. A. look at what I am wearing, I look like this everyday at work.
Young, fun, inappropriate Julianna has been replaced with this boring, think before she speaks, business casual Julianna.
B. I am so boring that when I chose the color to paint for my room, I chose beige. And when I went to the hardware store to get it, I panicked and ended up picking OFF WHITE because beige was toooo crazy!!!! Ugh. So boring!!! 

5. Even though the project was suppose to help me get over my ex, what really did it was talking to him....well more like flat out asking him if there was anything between us and him finally saying that we were "incompatible". I think if that convo had never happened I would still be in "maybe" land. And now I am in "its over" land,  on a direct course to "sexy men" land. And WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE IN SEXY MEN LAND!?!


This is my desk at work.  I remember right after I broke up with NWG I took St. John's Wort which is a positive mood enhancer. And that.....DIDNT DO SHIT! Recently I started taking B vitamin because apparently gives you energy and happy feelings (no. it doesn't) and then someone told me to take Naicin which is a drug for cholesterol that contains a lot of vitamin B, which should make you feel tingly and bla bla bla (no it doesn't). And then there is the women's daily vitamin which I really only started taking because it was buy one get one free. And.....my dad taught me to never miss an opportunity to buy large quantities at low prices. :) #DadsthatlikeCostco

7. Don't ever be afraid to tell someone to take a picture over and over again. Pictures last a life time, especially passports.

have I mentioned how much I love my roommates and coworkers for taking so many pictures of me until I was happy with them.


Taking pictures with ice cream push carts: Take 1..... fail....Take 2.

8. I love my young 23 year old friends, because they haven't been tainted and hardened by the working world and the pressures of society. They still have the youthful college idealistic vision, that I have lost over the course of my 4 years out of college. And honestly....I am not old enough to be that cynical and pessimistic and give up that easily on my dreams of a perfect life. 

FYI-- it is impossible to look attractive while hiking......although we made the impossible...possible! :)

9. Some things are not worth the effort (for me anyways..Laurie, I think if its worth it to you, continue manicuring and pedicuring, but I can't).  I think I will stick to my bigger issues, because getting my nails done only leads to more problems.....especially when I wear glittery nail polish.

10. It all comes down to confidence. Being a 10, gave me confidence I needed to do things I otherwise felt insecure about doing.
Hitting on a younger guy. 

And because I want to continue being confident and feel like there is so much that I haven't done with my new found and continuing to grow confidence....I am not done with blogging. 

So this might be the end of "30 Days OF a better me....TO a better me" (which btw I really didn't think this blog would amount to anything, or else I would have picked a better name), but now
I am ready to start a new blog, with new stories, and new personal developments: 
"Tales of a Ten". 


It was definitely hard to do 30 days straight, because some days there was nothing to say. That is why I am excited about "Tales of a Ten". I still have the accountability and motivation to try to be a 10- be confident in myself etc, without forcing what was not there. 

Something I hope to include in "Tales of a Ten" are stories of people trying to be 10's and interesting/funny stories of their experiences and what they have learned.....so please send your stories my way.

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