Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 28: The Real 10s

Day 28: The real 10s

 I hope that I made it apparent that when I say be a 10, I mean be the 10 version of myself. I cannot be Heidi Klum,  Megan Fox, or Britney Spears in her "Oops I did it again" days.  I think for a majority of things, I can control the way I look. I could diet and go to the gym, I can get regular facials, I can get my eyebrows done by professionals, I can laser hair removal unwanted hair, I can wear my retainer to keep my teeth from shifting, I can use white strips to have a sparkling smile, I can wear makeup, etc.  But there will be somethings that I will never be able to control: My height: I am relatively happy with it but of course if I was taller I could have longer legs. The size of my boobs: has always made me insecure about getting felt up because I JUST DONT HAVE ANY!!!. Cellulite I have tried every lotion known to Sephora and even gave up coffee for a couple months, nothing seems to work. My eyelids (they flip up a little) some people compliment me on it but I just think it looks weird and my mom always tell me to push them down.  But despite all these things I think we could all look good and be 10s with a little bit of work.

And if there is ever a time that I could look like a ten. it is definitely when I go out. Put on a ton of makeup, throw on a slutty dress, wear some painful high heels, curl my hair and I can give any bitch a run for her money. Or so I used to back in the day.

2010: I used to look so good that random men used to ask to take pictures of my friends and me 

2011: Look at how good we look!

Now I just can't go out with the same effort I used to go out with. I am not sure I even like clubs anymore. They are too much work, I am tired super early, and of course heels are a TOTAL BITCH.

2012: This is me recently when I went out....notice that I am wearing crocs.

2012: This is me recently going out. My friend had to buy me a coffee because it was 12 and I was tired. 

2012: This past Saturday. And I new that I was going to try to look good. And believe me, I tried! But when i got to the club (Manor West in SF) I was WAY IN OVER MY HEAD. It was Vegas meets SF meets 49ers. ( if I knew who the 49ers were I would have been impressed by their presence) But F the 49ers. I was in a daze over how good the women looked that were out. I mean they looked so good and made me feel sooo insecure about the way I looked. I should have tried harder. They were  beautiful.......
This Girl looked a lot better in person. But I think she was having a hard time being drunk and taking this picture. .....understandably
More hot girls....

This Girl just looked sooo good that I had to take a picture of her. Now, even if I had the money to pay for boobs like that I wouldn't be able to show them because I have been getting a crazy rash over my chest. #10fail

I was going to tell you in a previous blog but......I also thought I was getting scabies, so I didnt want to announce to the world that I had scabies. Not to worry though......I am scabies free :)

     This weekend was good practice for my Vegas Trip coming up in January. I need to step it up. A 10 in SF- is a 6 in Vegas.....I need to be pushing 12's to be even be in the playing in LV.


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