Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 6: Always Be Ready and 7: TLC

Day 6: Always be Ready
   Today, I regressed. I'm sorry to let everyone down. I didn't wear my crocs  and I wore makeup. But something was super off.  It might also be that by Friday I was so sleep deprived from being in class until 10 at night, and having to be at work at 7am. Throw in the Blogs-- I wasn't really sleeping a lot.

That is why I decided to sleep last night versus not updating a Day 6 Blog entry. I love you all but it is really hard to be a 10 on less than 5 hours of sleep a night.  Not only was I physically looking like a zombie but I was starting to act like an ogre.

So I was in bed by 8pm until  I was woken up by the sound of my roommate playing a guitar.  Now you would think that because I live with a guy, my house would be swarming with hot men let alone guys all the time. But that is not the case.  He rarely if ever has guys come over. So I jump out of my bed wearing my frumpy pajamas, with my messy hair, and my I'm going to kill you face and I walk straight into........ a room full of men. :O
I immediately cover my boobs, because I am wearing a tight white shirt with no bra Next I reign in the crazy that just exploded all over the place.

So what did I learn?
1. I am way to comfortable around my roommate because I freely look like shit around him. And regularly wear both my hoochie and frumpy pajamas.
2. I must always be ready to look good, even when I am sleeping because you never know when you are going to need to look good. (I should have known better. I am a victim of the Northridge Earthquake of 1994, where the quake happened at 12ish at night and we all had to run into the streets in our pajamas)

Day 7: TLC
  It was about time I get my eyebrows done. I had a facial peel last week and needed some downtime, unless I was okay risking having my skin come off. but i couldnt wait any longer. I mean look at this:
 Hmm...That actually doesnt look that bad.....but when you look at me up close....
Even closer...

So I went to Brow Bar in Union Square. I thought because it is Brow Bar they only do eyebrow and I wouldn't need to worry about them pointing out my mustache by offering to do it too.  Sweet.

Instead the lady brings over a product and said "this would be really good for you"...
"This is Porefessional. It minimizes the appearance of pores. It is made with Silicon so it just goes into your pores and fine lines and fills them. It would work wonders. I strongly recommend it.

Me: Bitch, Fuck you! 
...okay I didnt say that. but I did say "No, Thank you. The Grand Canyon is one of the seven wonders of the world. Maybe my face will be the 8th."...okay I didnt say that either.

At least she didn't ask me if I wanted to get my mustache done.

:10 minutes later.

Lady: "Do you want me to do your upper lip too?"
 I just responded cool and collectively "No, Thank you.  I am actually getting that lasered off (Booyah)"

So she finishes my eyebrows. And I look beautiful...... until she starts filling them in.

She took this picture, which is why I am smiling.
When she turns around. I take this one:
Listen Lady, if I can thank my Persian heritage for one thing its that I will NEVER have to fill in my eyebrows! 
 I rubbed it off when I left the place. I didnt have the heart to tell her, that i looked like a drag queen.

Questions and comments:
    When I was in college I use to give up doing my eyebrows for Lent. I would think and truthfully it was....a very humbling experience. It helped me be more aware of my vanity and how I interacted with men, because for those 40 days I would hide under a rock never to be seen by guys, let alone people in general.
My eyebrows or the eyebrow they can become are one of the reasons that Myra says I am naturally a 4.
I have henceforth told Jesus that I will never grow out my eyebrows again, and that I am fine being vain.

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