Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 9: Vagina Monologues

Day 9: Vagina Monologues

 Today I got my period (and this is when the men stop reading. ) What this means is that I ruined a pair of underwear, cried at work, yelled at a homeless man, defriended a ton of people on facebook, cried at the gym, ate an entire bottle of midol, missed my parents, ate a box of chocolates, thought I looked fat, cried because I have no friends, blamed it on being fat, cried because I have no boyfriend, blamed it on being fat and crying too much, cried because my vagina hurts and cried because that is the most my vagina has felt in a long time. It is really hard being a woman!

A wise man once said: "If men need to practice self control and keep it in their pants, then women need to practice self control and keep it together." -BZ

In regards to my 30 day challenge....Isn't it really hard to look good when you feel like crap?
NO! Even my ugly looks good!

Questions and Comments:

The only picture that would be appropriate for this.

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