Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 1:

 This morning a message from facebook woke me up where someone listed why they like my idea. To you, Thanks! I was really debating not following through with this, but that message motivated me to get up and put my "10" game on: makeup, hair done, tight jeans, and heels. It paid off because literally 20 feet from leaving my house, I got whistled at. Holleeerr!!! Granted it was an older Brown man driving by (God love them. Women might talk a lot of shit and pretend they are offended by their advances, but ...we can be equally offended when they don't say anything.)
I think God sent me this nice brown man to give me the confidence and boost I need to walk the.... SEVEN BLOCKS TO MY CAR. #SFparking  (ya. that is a hashtag in a blog.)

Seven blocks, a car drive, and Trader Joes later I was able to live out a real dream of mine.

I wore heels to a grocery store!!!
I have always wanted to be one of those women that just puts on heels and goes to get groceries, as if its a normal thing to do. I think its the Latina in me.  (ftr. Myra took the picture and not some stranger).

So did I accomplish my being a ten?
 Depends who you ask.  The Brown- Latino man clearly thought I looked good. My friends....were quick to point out that I didn't do my eyebrows. (Thanks Jen!) While another friend of mine asked what I felt like and when I said a 7. She said....maybe a 6. Although, in my defense, she did say the average she would give out is a 4. So I still exceeded the average!  (Thanks Denise). And lastly my motivation for all this, Myra, gave me some important perspective. "It doesnt matter how good someone looks when their personality sucks."

Myra did make a great point. Here is why.... I looked great leaving the house but when I got to the picnic, where it was really windy,  what did I do....I did this:
All attempts at hottness have been destroyed and replaced by my "roll-on deodorant look" (-Myra Cheng). Also, note my heels which have been thrown to the side next to me.

 How does anyone look sexy when wind is blowing their hair every which way!?

I now want to create space to address some comments:

1. Looking good is not about getting attention from men. If it was about that then I would a. not make it public for everyone in the world to see and b. have been trying a lot harder since before this challenge.  Looking good is about feeling good about myself. For myself.

2. Yes, I am aware that this might come off superficial, needy, and crazy BUT A. the people that are important to me know that I am not  B. Should I be lying or sugarcoating who I really am and what I really think?  C. maybe I am superficial, needy, and crazy!?!?!? Do you really want to be saying that to someone that is!?!??!?!?!

3.  I love Jesus. As a follower of Jesus I have lived a life trying to believe that he satisfies and have put myself in positions where I am forced to depend on this faith.....God created pharmacologists. I am just taking some aspirin right now.

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