Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 4: Bad Habits

As good as I look, I need to stop doing these things:

1. Although I may think crocs are sandals, other people don't think so. So in the way that I kick off my sandals and run around barefoot, apparently I cannot do the same thing with crocs. Either that or my feet are incredibly disgusting because whenever people see me barefoot they look like this:

2. I have started a really bad habit of doing this:
I do it everywhere. While I am on the computer at work, while I am standing waiting for something, while I am talking to people, at the dinner table, .... I dont know where it has come from. But its a really comfortable position..I dont want to stop doing it.  it just looks really manly and unattractive. Plus it forces my face into my neck giving me a double chin.

And most importantly, it gives people a direct visual line to my armpit, which I think is really gross. (armpits are really gross, we should not talk about it anymore, I am just going to get grossed out).

3. I have also been doing this Captain Morgan pose too

 where I put my leg up on everything. It is really manly and unattractive AND gives everyone a direct visual to my coochie. Coochies are not disgusting, especially NOT mine. :)

4. I also scowl a lot. It is my thinking face, my confused face, my angry face, my tired face, my hungry face, my sad face, my happy face, my excited face, .....:/ its just my face.

5. The 15 second rule....... In the past couple months, I realized I can't do it anymore because apparently its "disgusting". What that means is that...I can't do it anymore in public, because I strongly believe that most food is contamination free if you pick it up off the floor before 15 seconds or longer. 

I will continue to add to this list as I learn more about what is unacceptable.
I am not convinced farts, burps, poop, wee wees, are unacceptable and I shouldn't be doing it or talking about it.  That is why I have intentionally refrained from putting them in this list. I think its society that needs to be changed on this one, and come to accept that its a natural human occurrence..... that will forever be funny.

Comments and questions

Will hopefully have more time to update this section later this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I think the two different body positions that you mentioned aren't manly. They are positions of confidence and opening up, which usually tend to make people attracted to you.
