Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 5: The 15 minute difference

Day 5:  The Difference 15 Minutes Makes

I used to think that looking good took a lot effort. doesn't. I am only waking up 15-20minutes earlier to straighten my hair and put on makeup. This morning it took me less than 15 minutes and I had time to straighten up my room a little bit. + +
Both of these things left my feeling good and confident.

Now you might think......"But Julianna, you are so naturally beautiful. Of course it would only take you 15-20 minutes. But it would take me much longer." And to that I respond with....
"yes I might be beautiful. Not to mention funny, smart, and charming. BUT....actually I REALLY need to get ready in the morning because when I wake up I do look like shit."
And here is the proof:


This is my just wake up look.  My hair is wavy, my face is puffy, my attitude is awful. I AM F_ING TIRED!
The truth is that I actually took that picture at 6:08 because I had spent the previous 3 minutes trying to take a good looking "unattractive picture". I mean....I could not put up what I really looked like in public. But since I am trying to be honest here.....these are the others:

But I sucked it up even though all I wanted to do was sleep. I straighted my hair, put on makeup, and perfected my outfit. And it paid off because later that day:


Look at me??? Dont I looked like a.....conceited mother fucker for asking my coworkers to take pictures of me while I was in the break room. :/
BUT I did it for the sake of this blog.  AND dont I look okay? LOOK at those heels!  Actually I look better than okay, I look hott!!!! Maybe....too hott for working at a professional financial advising firm. Maybe....a little skanky? Woops. Actually the dress I am wearing (yes, its a dress), is something that I wear when I go out. And I wear it without the leggings. So I did try to modify for the environment I was in, but what is that saying about me on a weekend??? To be relevant though....what it is really saying is that I am succeeding at bringing the 10 me from Friday/Saturday nights to Monday-Friday 9-5. On the positive, if I find a date then....I will at least know its not because he is drunk. Holleerrr!!!!

In summary: All it took was 15 minutes. I mean....granted there are things that haven't gotten done but they are going to because they are things that probably wont take that much time either. 
Like shaving my legs (3minutes). Getting my nails done (30m to an hr....of relaxing!). Getting my eyebrows done (15 minutes). Shopping for nice clothes (time seems to stand still.). Going to the gym (all you need is 20minutes of increasing your heart rate a day). Taking vitamins (5 seconds.....10 if the pills are big). Lotioning my whole body (30seconds).
Why are we so lazy? It really doesn't take that much time!!!

Questions and comments:
On a serious note: This blog has been so good for me. YOU GUYS, have been so good to me. I really appreciate everyone's feedback and support. I think my favorite part in this whole process is hearing about how people have undergone their own breakups and have moved on or are moving on too. There are such few things that we acknowledge that unite us, but broken hearts should be one of them. Turning something so devastatingly negative into such a beautiful thing. Even though I want to punch Jesus because I had to breakup with my ex boyfriend I want to hug Jesus because he gave me some of the best friends to go through it with. Even though I am sure that they want to punch Jesus too, because they had to go through their own painful breakups, for Jesus to show how much he really does love us. Although....i would really like Jesus to be loving me with a sexy super model boyfriend, who is emotionally available, has good communication skills, self aware, loves hip hop music, has a big penis, and loves God.  What? was it the penis that caught you off guard? or that God came last?......hmm....the answer to that says a lot about you. 


1 comment:

  1. U r a true 10 for posting your morning picture like that, a lot of "10s" don't have that nerve, or lack that confidence that you clearly have found in yourself. I'm glag that you are getting closer to relizing your own beauty, and sharing it with the readers.
