Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 2: "Tens" first day at work

Day 2: "Tens" first day at work.

  Ok that is not true. When I first started working at this company I used to care and look nice every day and maybe 2 weeks into it I realized I had the job and didn't need to try anymore.

This morning I woke up 20 minutes earlier to get ready for work.
And it is a good thing I got ready this morning because God has blessed me with another great start to my "10" morning. Picture this:
 It is early, still dark outside. I am waiting for the bus and reading a book. (sidenote- I was also doing that stupid thing where I look like a "roll on deodorant" (it was cold!)) It starts raining. So I had to put my book away to open my umbrella, when I notice a guy next to me without an umbrella.  Because I woke up early, got ready,  and was feeling like a 10- I had the confidence to walk over and share my umbrella with him. I didn't even ask. I was thinking "ya- you are lucky to be me sharing my umbrella with me!" (ok that is not what i was thinking. I was probably thinking....this is going to make me feel really awkward if I stand here with am umbrella while you are soaking). We started talking and having a really romantic moment under my umbrella when I notice his BIG FAT WEDDING RING! UUGGGHHHH. (deflated) There goes my romantic moment, the wedding bells, our future children,..... his wife is such a cockblock.

No its good that he was married, because I would have hated to reject him when he asked for my number. Cause....clearly that is what he would have done. I am a 10, remember!

Ultimately, the point is.....because I felt like a 10- I had the confidence and balls to do something that I might have otherwise not done.  Haven't we heard that "confidence is sexy". Well I know if I were to look like a 4 I would have gotten shy and awkward, super quickly.  For was dark when we were waiting for the bus. And I look 100x better in the dark. When we got into the bus it was bright, and I am talking some ugly ass florescent, show every pimple you had ever had in your life bright. So when we got in, since I was made up. I felt okay. I wasn't worried about my pimples, big pores, bushy eyebrows, chin hairs (not that i get any :/), or mustache. I had take care of all this already. I washed my face (which I might always remember to do, but I am usually still asleep so I dont remember), did my hair, and accentuated my best features with the help of my friend Sephora. And was able to talk to him on that bus, in the ugly ass lighting for the rest of the ride.

On a down note-- heels are killing me. I think I am getting corns. I actually bought a corn cushion

And since I was wearing tights, I just put them over my tights.

No biggy... no one will see them? WRONG!

There is always something that ruins any game I have. 

Questions/Comments I would like to address:

1. Am I an egomaniac or insecure?
  Both. I think we are ALL both. Everyone of us. Even those people that you think are so fucking arrogant- are actually just so fucking insecure and those people that are so fucking insecure are actually just really annoying. 
 I am just...... confused. I like facts and quantifying things. Things should be black or white. (dont get me wrong I like that there is gray and when there isn't an answer- grey is my go to) BUT  attractiveness is relative and its subjective. IIII....dont know what to do with that?  So....that is why I am just going to do whatever the F I WANT TO DO!!!!!!! At least it will be the right answer according to ME. and IIII might be the only one that thinks I am a 10, but that is what is most important the end.....everyone else is just wrong anyways :)

Egomaniac. That is my final answer.

2. Am I single and available for dates? Yes!  And you can reach me at......

 (just kidding. no one has asked for my number :(  )


  1. Hahahahahaha! Im totally enyoing your blog! And if I were a guy, I would have asked for your number even before u tried to be a 10! G bless u ;)

  2. You are funny, and by blogging it seems as though you have done some really cool soul searching.
