Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 8: For the 22 year old me.

Day 8: For the 22 year old me

I am so glad I am doing this project, if I wasn't I would have totally let the 22 year old version of me down. I ran into my 22 year old self's "love of my life" and for this entry I will affectionately call him "freakishly tall" or FT.
FT was my college crush. No....FT was my college LOVE (except he didnt love me back.....story of my life.) I loved him for 4 years. From the first time I saw him my freshman year in the college cafeteria- to my senior year when he had already graduated the year before. The memory of FT still lived on. He was tall, good looking, loved Jesus, smart, mysterious (didn't talk a lot), and the cream on the icing is that every girl wanted him).

I ran into FT on Sunday, at church (go figure). The 18-22 year old me had probably dreamed of that moment everyday of her college life  and here I was living it out. And the 22 year old me is SOOOO GLAD  I am doing the this project and did not look like total shit.  I wore real clothes (not the gym clothes which I typically like to wear on Sundays (even if I dont go to the gym)); I did my hair the night before for a Halloween party; and I wore just enough makeup to make me look good but not trashy.  FT, eat your heart out!!!
Of course......26 year old me was excited for 22 year old me, but  26 year old me was...... not interested.
Sorry, FT.
Maybe it was his  girlfriend of 3 years that was sitting next to him which left him unappealing (even though that probably was not it. Because I am not above being a total home wrecker.) But maybe I just realized that I am different and 26 year old me just doesn't want that anymore. Sure he still looks like Paul Walker, is probably good at everything he does, loves Jesus, is smarter and he probably talks more now but.... "eh".... I dont know. "eh".

Point is......26 year old me fell in love last year with someone I will affectionately call "Nerdy White Guy". Even then I knew what I wanted and NWG wasn't it.  I know 29 year old me will thank 26 year old me for putting up with a broken heart for the past year so that I don't have to wake up one morning and be married to someone and go "eh".

This is one of my favorite pics of me and FT. It was one of our "proms". 
(If anyone tells him there is a blog entry written about him......well....he should take it as a compliment. FT, Your welcome.)

Questions and Comments

NWG does not have access to my blogs even though we are fbook friends.
Facebook, thank you for having very specific privacy settings.

FT does not have facebook....... or maybe he does and he has defriended me.

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