Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 3: The Invincible "Ten"

I think I have gotten a little carried away with my confidence and am teetering on toooooo confident.

1.  I wrote an important paper for school today. Did I mention it was due today? (And I work Full-time) Apparently, I think that because I am a "10", I am also an incredibly talented writer. This is not true, and can be validated by my SAT score in writing. If I recall, I was one of the ones that scored so low I had to get placed in a remedial writing class in college. 

2.  I have started eating everything and anything as if calories can't touch me. 

3. Most importantly.....Today I thought I was Mariah Carey and the diva in me decided to wear 3 inch heels to work ; As if my one day when I wore heels on Sunday, had magically given me the ability to work heels 8 hours straight. The real test came when I decided to walk to Walgreens from my office.

**Google Maps clearly does not take into consideration someone that is wearing heels. because it DID NOT take me 1 minute to get to Walgreens!! It actually took me an embarrassing 7. And that block is longer than it looks on the stupid image! I was trying so hard to not embarrass myself in the shoes by walking slowly and not wincing with every step. So I came up with a genius plan (note this ladies.) I just pretended to be super engaged in my phone, which allowed me to get away with walking slow. To everyone else it looked like i was walking slow because I was on my phone, super engaged in a text, or super engaged in my email. I don't care what they thought, just as long as they didn't think that I was an idiot in heels. 
 And there was a moment where there was a crowd of young attractive people infront of me, waiting for the crosswalk, and the bitch infront of me with her long blonde hair has heels on that are higher than mine, and wore heels like she could run marathons in them. But this blonde bitch had nothing on what was to come......
Longest crosswalk of my life!!!! There was no way that I would get across the street in the amount of time the "walking man" gave me.  I was covered the ground at 1 step per 2 seconds, no way that 9 seconds was going to be enough. 
I did cross the street and get to walgreens eventually and then  1. I realized it was <60 degrees and I was sweating and 2. I could only fake being on my phone for so long before I ran out of things to fake doing.
 I  briefly contemplated how I would get back, thinking that it might just be better to take my shoes off. But I sucked it up and faked being on my phone for another 7 minutes.

 I did give me time to notice things about the street that I never noticed before: How many girls wear heels. How many people have a complete lack of respect for cross-walk signals. How cars that are at red light turning right have such little patience for pedestrians crossing the street. How dangerous it is to look at your phone while crossing the street, even if you are fake looking at your phone.

And then I saw it. something that had always been there, and has always been everywhere, but never meant anything to me.....

What is this?????

 You call it a crack on the ground! I call it a huge injury!!!!! Imagine getting your heel stuck in one of those badboys. It has faceplant written all over it.


1. Can heels really make you more attractive? 
You, probably yes.  Me. No, not yet. Especially when I am limping everywhere, walking the speed of a snail, and having my feet accidentally slide out of my shoe revealing how I have covered my foot in corn cushions.

2. Sorry for not including more pictures of myself. You will just have to trust that I look fabulous or see me in person!!! ....I feel a "Ten" party coming on!!!


  1. Heels looks great when a women take em off ie at home, the couch, kitchen, in especially in bed. Definitely rather like seeing a lady comfortable in flats than heels if she can't walk in them.
